Moisturiser can make all the difference

However pressed for time you may find yourself in the morning, and however unnecessary you think it may be, you really do need to treat your skin to a good helping of moisturiser. Even if you don’t feel that you need to use moisturiser, you almost certainly do- even if …

Your moisturiser can make all the difference

Moisturiser forms one of the most important parts of any skin care regimes, and although it may sound a little dramatic, it can make all the difference to the condition of your skin. Moisturisers are essential in keeping skin hydrated and replacing any moisture lost through cleansing, and whatever your …

What a good moisturiser can do for your skin

Our skin has a natural protective barrier designed to reduce moisture loss and offer protection from the elements. Unfortunately, many aggressive environmental factors can compromise this layer, leaving the skin vulnerable to moisture loss and irritation. Even soap and water can strip the skin of moisture and protection, making it …

Dryness can affect anyone

Although there are millions of people whose skin is prone to excessive dryness, skin dehydration really can affect anyone at any time of the year. Many people are of the opinion that skin is only really susceptible to becoming dry when climatic conditions are harsh, and whilst very hot and …